Hunter went to the rodeo with Grandpa and Grandma Stoor. His cousin Raleigh was up from Cedar Fort Utah and went with them. He left at 10 am and returned around 11:15 pm. He stated he had a great day and enjoyed both performances that they went to. At the afternoon performance, he was able to get a poster of the rodeo and have it signed by a few rodeo attendee's. He said that it was fun to watch the bull riders and the kids riding the sheep's during this performance. He was sad that the barrel racer from Blackfoot knocked down the 3rd barrel taking fourth place. He said she would have taken first place and would have been in the running to go in the finals. He had fun with Grandpa and Grandma and really enjoyed the day with them. I am glad that they wanted to take him to the rodeo. I feel that he is growing a strong relationship with them and I am really glad that they have taken an interest in him. He states that he wants to grow up and have his ranch with cows and horses. I hope he always has this spark in him as he knows that his parents would love to have their place with cattle and all the fun that it would provide. He is growing up and is enjoying what life has to offer him. He still is not sure about riding steers at the fair this year. He thought that he would ride a calf last year but it was a steer and I think that it scared him. I told him that he will just have to prepare to do this. He is involved in so much now and he keeps his mother busy running him all over town but I know that he does enjoy his adventures and he likes to tell his Dad about them when he is home. God sent his son here to earth so that we can learn from him and I know that God sent Hunter to us so that we can learn of him also. We learn that each day, we love Hunter more, accept his triumphs and failures, and we learn many things about the love of having a Son. Hunter is a shining example of what our Father in Heaven wants in his children and we know that through much guidance and care, he will make a great father someday because he is the best Son that could ever be sent to our little family.